Aims and Values
At Milborne Port Primary School, we have spent much time carefully considering our aims and values. These have been developed in consultation with pupils, parents and staff. These values underpin all that we do in school. The aims are at the heart of our work.
Our Aims:- For every individual child to achieve their potential.
- To provide a broad and balanced curriculum to allow for attainment in academic, skills based and creative areas.
- For children to be proud of themselves and what they do.
- To foster in children the very highest standards of achievement, through our own high expectations.
- For children to be respectful of and understand the opinions of others.
- To develop in children individual and collective responsibility for actions.
- To help children to develop as responsible members of their local community.
- For children to have respect for and understand the environment in which they live.
- To embrace diversity of culture and learn about life in different cultures.
- To promote a healthy lifestyle. For children to be confident, creative users of new technologies.
- For children to enjoy physical and mental activity.
Our Values:Tolerance and understanding: As a school we value the opinions of others and encourage understanding of different view points.
Hard work and effort: We recognise and value each individuals efforts. Doing our best for ourselves and for a team is important.
Self-worth: We must not only value each other, but also ourselves. We work in a positive atmosphere where success and achievement are celebrated.
Equality of opportunity: All children in our school are given the same opportunities
Co-operation: We value and develop the skills of teamwork and the need to be reliable to others.
Honesty and trust: All members of our school work in an environment where they feel trusted and where honesty is promoted.
Individualism: We recognise that all individuals are different and embrace these differences.
Innovation: Our school is a place where children are encouraged to think for themselves. Making mistakes and experimenting is part of learning.